In addition to the cash infusion many people see this time of year from a tax refund, we are also in the middle of the latest round of stimulus checks being deposited. If you’re still unclear on your stimulus eligibility, find out if you can expect a payment on the IRS official website. Verified that you […]
Monitoring Financial Plan
Recession Proof Your Finances in 5 Steps
Tip 1: Start thinking about it now The most common mistake people make isn’t necessarily being financially ready for a recession, it’s being mentally prepared for one. People tend to overestimate the upside, and underestimate the downside risk of their investments. This may be compounded by the comfort we all feel after a 10 year […]
What You Need to Know about the CARES Act
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on 3/27/20. It is the largest stimulus package in US history and will directly impact nearly every American. While the law is lengthy and still being analyzed, I have summarized the areas we will see benefit most of the public directly which […]
Don’t Let Fear Drive Your Investing
Update: This article was originally published March 24th, 2020. An update on how the Covid-19 pandemic impacted markets was added 1/25/2022. As you’re reading this, there is likely a major event in the news that may have you worried and is driving the stock market. The biggest mistake many individuals make is allowing fear hijack […]